
BIOEMTECH provides high-quality products and services for preclinical research.

As a manufacturing company of breakthrough imaging systems, BIOEMTECH offers a one-stop-shop covering the full chain of preclinical studies, following a Good Laboratory Practice approach.

BIOEMTECH introduced the first generation of fillable mouse and rat phantoms, resembling the average anatomy of a rat or mouse. The use of these phantoms reduces the need for live animals and provides a consistent model that produces precise and reliable data.

As their systems and products serve markets with specific needs, the supply of parts by third parties must meet particular requirements that cannot always be fulfilled through conventional manufacturing.


Tenco supplies printed parts, such as covers and holders, in limited quantities, enabling BIOEMTECH to reduce inventories and adapt to changes in product design without impacting production.

Another advantage of Additive Manufacturing is that it eliminates the need for investments in tooling or set-ups, unlike conventional manufacturing methods such as injection moulding or milling.


Sterero Lithography & Direct Light Processing


Engineering, smooting, color-dying, white matt painting, polished transparent.

Inform yourself about our integrated services!